Find you how new technologies in green building can upgrade your property at Advanced Control.
You can improve your building’s efficiency with new technologies in green building. Advanced Control Corporation can help you create a smart building management system that will enhance your building’s system performance and productivity, reduce excess energy usage and waste, and sustain the life of mechanical systems. The goal of any building manager or property owner should be to improve their overall operation by utilizing new technologies in green building.
Sustainable development has been a catch phrase for many years now and the emphasis is on creating the best foundational support for your building’s systems to operate from. Whether you are building a new system from the ground up, or want to incorporate new technologies in green building into your existing structure, we can create the ideal platform for you. Your company managers will be able to access and control every stratum of your infrastructure through the use of your new building management system software. There are a multitude of benefits to reap when your building goes “green” such as:
1. Individualized Interface
Building management system software uses advanced technology to develop an individualized graphical user interface that allows for user feedback. Your system will be adaptive to the needs of each manager who will be able to access data through the use of a personal password. Our advanced systems graphics are used to integrate other platforms and programs as they are needed or desired by your managers. Your building management system software is adaptable to include other systems so that multiple buildings and locations are integrated for monitoring, assessments and management.
2. Air Quality Control
Indoor air quality and safety is another feature of new technologies in green building. Your smart building management system will use sensors to read and control air quality features such as: humidity, pollutants, toxic gases, temperature, and smoke. The correct indoor environment dramatically improves productivity because employees are comfortable, plus the ventilation systems will be sending in a steady stream of fresh air. In the event of a fire, ventilation life systems will redirect smoke out of the building, while creating safe zones for building occupants where smoke cannot enter through air ducts.
3. Recycled Materials
Another important feature of new technologies in green building is using recycled materials. Responsible sourcing of recycled materials takes into account where and how products are made and if they are sustainable. Recycled items can be refurbished or salvaged, and can easily be reused. Building materials should be low maintenance and durable to sustain many years of use. All materials should have low VOC emissions, be free of hazardous materials and biological contaminants, and be moisture resistant.
4. Water Efficiency
New technologies in green building also covers water efficiency with the use of grey water recovery systems and rainwater catchments. Plumbing systems should control the use of water by including hardware systems that require low water usage for toilets, and shower and sink faucets. Water conservation is also achieved through the use of recycled greywater that can feed outdoor lawn areas.
5. Lighting Control
Advanced commercial lighting systems are another great feature of a smart building management system. Lighting controls will help to increase your building’s energy efficiency while reducing energy costs. Lighting systems can use up to 40% of your energy output, making it one of the most expensive and abusive systems. New technologies in green building can rein in that expense with an advanced lighting control system. Your system can be controlled with schedules and timers, and also sensors that will shut down lighting in areas that are not occupied. Your lighting control system is also integrated with your security system so that specific areas can be flooded with light if suspicious activity is suspected.
Learn More About Technologies in Green Building
There is a multitude of new technologies in green building that are too numerous to mention here. If you are interested in a smart building management system for your structure, or want to learn more about going green, contact Advanced Control Corporation today at: 954-491-6660.