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Green Building Solutions in Fort Lauderdale

Did you know that by adding building automation into your business you will be able to significantly improve green building benefits through energy efficiency. Find out how Advanced Control Corp can help your intelligent building needs in an affordable, sustainable way.  

What are Green Building Solutions 

Are green building benefits through building automation something new to your ears? Green building solutions revolves around increasing the efficiency of buildings and their overall usage. This means that energy, water, and materials all become connected through a building automation system, creating less of an impact on the environment and human health.  

Green intelligent building systems are important because our buildings, where we work and spend a lot of our time, have a direct impact on the consumption of resources and pollution. At Advanced Control Corporation we are experts in the field and will work with you to help improve your building automation and reduce your environmental footprint.  

How Energy Management Solutions Work 

The great news about green building energy management solutions is that they can be incorporated into new buildings or retrofitted into existing structures. In order to update your existing structure to run more efficiently businesses must first install a building automation system. Building automation systems, knowns as BAS, integrate electrical, mechanical and security systems all in one interface. Once a BAS is installed, building systems can then work together to exchange and share information, making operations throughout the business run more efficiently.  

Some aspects of a Building Automation System can include light motion sensors and occupancy sensors to help reduce the usage of energy in spaces that are not occupied at all times throughout the day. This type of system will sense when rooms are no longer occupied and turn off the lights and adjust temperatures to reduce energy usage, saving business owners money and energy waste.  

Benefits of Green Building Energy Management Solutions 

Deciding to make your building more green can offer significant advantages to commercial building owners and their tenants. Here are just a few green building benefits: 

In regards to the environment, green buildings benefits include: 

  • Help protect ecosystems and biodiversity 
  • Improve air and water quality in the area surrounding the business 
  • Reduce waste 
  • Conserve natural resources 
  • Restore natural resources 

In regards to economic benefits, green building benefits include: 

  • Reduce overall operating costs 
  • Improve productivity of employees 
  • Improve life-cycle of equipment, creating better performance 

In regards to social benefits, green building benefits include: 

  • Improvement of occupant health and comfort 
  • Enhanced indoor air quality and ventilation 
  • Overall improvement of life quality for those in the building 
  • Lessen the strain on local utilities 

How ACC Can Help Improve your Energy Efficiency

The three main energy eaters in businesses are cooling, lighting and ventilation, making up more than 60% of all energy used. That also goes to say that throughout the day, a large percentage of buildings are normally unoccupied, leading to energy waste, and money lost. Advanced control Corporation understands this and knows how to look at your business and its energy usage in order to develop a plan for the best type of building automation system.  

If you ready to install building automation in your business, Advanced Control Corporation is here to help. Our energy experts will work with your structure to update your energy management system to the best possible solution. We have been an industry leader since 1987 and have helped thousands in South Florida reduce their environmental footprint and improve their energy efficiency. Call us today at 954.491-6660 today to speak to a representative. 

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